Next Step:
Screwing Down the Caps

Finally, the mural was at a point where the students
could start screwing down the caps!!
I recommend screwing down the caps
as opposed to just gluing,
as this makes for a more
permanent installation.
The students loved seeing the foam core boards
placed on the particle wood as they could
see the design of mural start to come together.
Below are photos of the two halves of the mural
(the bottom and the top)
with most of the caps screwed down.

Finally, the mural was at a point where the students
could start screwing down the caps!!
I recommend screwing down the caps
as opposed to just gluing,
as this makes for a more
permanent installation.
The students loved seeing the foam core boards
placed on the particle wood as they could
see the design of mural start to come together.
Below are photos of the two halves of the mural
(the bottom and the top)
with most of the caps screwed down.

We were fortunate that Home Depot donated
the rental of six cordless drills, along with
chargers and extra batteries.
Along with the four cordless drills I brought from home,
there were enough drills for the class to have
one drill per student.
Just a note: I made sure to go over how to safely use
the drills with the students.
Home Depot also donated three boxes of drywall screws
with approximately 1,000 screws in each box.
As noted in the previous post, the main spiral received
some remedial work.
Due to a shortage in light blue caps, the spiral
was spray painted to give it a sense of unity.
Here is the photo again: